Monday, March 1, 2010

Okay. I know. I know. Our blog is DEAD. No, wait, INACTIVE would sound better. But still, you and I get the point. Lots of time hanging out. We've been hanging out. We've been doing great things, fun things, silly things, over-ambitious things and crazy lunatic things. A new 2010 and nothing's changed. If anything, we got younger. Which reminds me that Faez is 19 on the 23rd this month. Time flies so fast that we've become incapable to appreciate the experiences that we went through, until they've passed.

These are the pictures that will show you what we've done- or become. There is honestly very little time to blog. But I shall update it. We must do our own recording also.

(insert pictures here)

I find it hard to look back at times and not wish that I can relive that particular moment. Coz it's through these times that you'll know the people who has fought by your side, you'll know those who wouldn't, and most importantly, you've found yourself. Through all the twisting, confusing, misleading, and even dizzying turmoil, you'll find out who you really are, and what you're made of.

We've decided to come out with a new "tradition" that we'll be practising at the end of each month where we will light up a small candle lamp and reminisce the moments that we've been through. A time where we can hold on to the things that means to us, and let go to those that have left cuts and bruises on our hearts.

And finally, our word of the day is "memory".

Dictionary: Memory (noun) A mental recollection of events that happened.

Defining Definitions: Memory (noun) A recollection of mental events that happened!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Child's Play

I know it's been ages since I updated the blog. In fact, it's been a long while since I USED the computer due to the red eye I have which made me eat and sleep all day. Amazing. It makes me sound barely human. Haha.

Anyway, Faez, her sister, my brother and I went to Simei to make new spectacles and get new school shoes. They're for my brother since school is about to start - and he had to break his specs.

We ended at the playground nearby after that.

We went to Punggol Park at night after we dropped Faez's sister home. My sister joined us.

Creepy night.

Here's a quote I specially made for Faez:

"When you see love as just a gamble - where you know you'd have to risk losing, face the chance of rejection, and know that it may leave you broken - it becomes less complicated. It becomes child's play."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The One When The Night Is Still Young

It's been ages since I typed out here. We've been chilling here and there. But now, since my A levels are done, we'd be chilling here and there a whole lot more. Yay!!! We've been to Toys 'R' Us.

That's us reliving our childhood moments.

When time flies too fast ahead and you've ben chasing time, you can't help but to look back and relive the bittersweet moments!

Spent some time with Mors at the interchange.

Also! There was shopping for Nad's prom dress! Walked around town. Wanted to drop by Marina Barrage but it was a little too far. So we decided to sit on the opposite side; the FLYER.

Got to love the background,huh?!

Today, we met up slightly after 4 pm. We walked around Simei after our dinner. Faez and I were both unwell but we managed to walk quite a distance while talking about stuff, and we did a pretty good job in scaring ourselves since we walked on roads that are quite quiet.

I'm going to end our post here for tonight... My eyes are RED, and I don't want to wake up tomorrow looking like the Terminator.

The word of today would be... "INFATUATION".

Dictionary: Infatuation (noun) Foolish or all-absorbing passion

Defining Definition: Infatuation (noun) A fine line between being in love and being out of love.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Torrential Fire

The sudden cold blue crash around us
Rendered me speechless with too much to say
I'd be willing to drown alone (alone)
As I watched you drift away

You promised forever...and forever has to end...

A flicker of hope chased away the darkness
Ignited by promises, mights and maybes
My trust offers me to the shadows
Flooded with the fear of what we will be
This is our inferno of cold uncertainty

Engulfed in flames are us and forever
Left me scorched and too weak to cry
I'd be willing to burn alone (alone)
As I watched you watch me die

The frozen hands of time...can only keep us alive...


Drowning in a sea of fiery desires...burnt in the waves of icy lies...  

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The One Where Faez Has A New Boyfriend & Nadia Dates Her Books

Yeah. We met quite late. I need to change my phone plan. My phone bills have burnt a hole in my pocket. So, yeah, I changed it to Student Plan. I met Faez at TM before going to lib to study. She was bored.

She started drawing. And made herself a boyfriend!

While I am busy dating my books. Haha.

It wasn't anything much, but we did snap a few pictures here and there. Some were funny and I especially like the one when Faez was sitting but she looked as if she was going to yakyak*.

Yakyak* a term we use to describe the act of defecating.

Word of the day??
There is no word of the Day. =)