Monday, March 1, 2010

Okay. I know. I know. Our blog is DEAD. No, wait, INACTIVE would sound better. But still, you and I get the point. Lots of time hanging out. We've been hanging out. We've been doing great things, fun things, silly things, over-ambitious things and crazy lunatic things. A new 2010 and nothing's changed. If anything, we got younger. Which reminds me that Faez is 19 on the 23rd this month. Time flies so fast that we've become incapable to appreciate the experiences that we went through, until they've passed.

These are the pictures that will show you what we've done- or become. There is honestly very little time to blog. But I shall update it. We must do our own recording also.

(insert pictures here)

I find it hard to look back at times and not wish that I can relive that particular moment. Coz it's through these times that you'll know the people who has fought by your side, you'll know those who wouldn't, and most importantly, you've found yourself. Through all the twisting, confusing, misleading, and even dizzying turmoil, you'll find out who you really are, and what you're made of.

We've decided to come out with a new "tradition" that we'll be practising at the end of each month where we will light up a small candle lamp and reminisce the moments that we've been through. A time where we can hold on to the things that means to us, and let go to those that have left cuts and bruises on our hearts.

And finally, our word of the day is "memory".

Dictionary: Memory (noun) A mental recollection of events that happened.

Defining Definitions: Memory (noun) A recollection of mental events that happened!

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