Saturday, October 24, 2009

The One Where Faez Has A New Boyfriend & Nadia Dates Her Books

Yeah. We met quite late. I need to change my phone plan. My phone bills have burnt a hole in my pocket. So, yeah, I changed it to Student Plan. I met Faez at TM before going to lib to study. She was bored.

She started drawing. And made herself a boyfriend!

While I am busy dating my books. Haha.

It wasn't anything much, but we did snap a few pictures here and there. Some were funny and I especially like the one when Faez was sitting but she looked as if she was going to yakyak*.

Yakyak* a term we use to describe the act of defecating.

Word of the day??
There is no word of the Day. =)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Special

A week to Halloween, and we got ourselves an awesome scare. It was late in the evening when Faez wanted to go to the playground near my old house. So we went but didn't play much. I told her that we are able to walk all the way to East Coast Park from Simei by walking through the park connectors all the way to Bedok Camp.

We snapped a few pictures - okies, maybe not "a few" but rather quite a number of pictures - along the way to the park connector near the Monsoon drain.

It was hilarious and we laughed alot. Until we reached the park connector beside the Newater plant.

I was starting to get the creeps and Faez wanted to take a few pictures in there, but I was reluctant to step into the park connector. Don't ask me why. It's a feeling, and I can get abit paranoid at times.

We went in, but not in too deep when we heard rustling in the trees to our left. Faez was nearer to the trees. Our heads just turned towards them and I saw this branch-looking thing break from the tree. I focused on that, but Faez looked up and saw something yellowish white, the size of a human moving away. She stared at that for quite a while until I had to urge her to run by grabbing her hands.

We crossed the road to the other side, feeling creeped out and amused at the same time. Creeped out because of what just happened. And amused because we can't believe it happened. There's this motorcycle rider and his girlfriend zoomed past, but the girlfriend gave a creepy scream when she passed us. Me and Faez, at the same time had only one thought racing in our minds. "WHAT did she see??" So we walked all the way to the opposite bus stop, as we decide not to continue our journey. The cyclist had to scare us, and I had the feeling that something was following us so we walked super-fast. In the end, we couldn't find the bus stop that 9 would pass. So we decided to walk back to East Point.

We experienced it again when we passed ITE Simei. There was this overhead bridge that lead to the front of the school. The pathway that we were walking at had to lead to the side of the bridge, and away from the light and the main road. It was the very last minute that my instinct told me to change direction and walked outside on the road itself. I pulled Faez and we both changed direction. At the same time, Faez and I heard the similar rustlings on trees above us. She then heard soft chatter while I heard something which sounds like the sounds made by a lizard, only softer, and creepier, followed by a soft wail. We walked all the way to East point. I hope it didn't follow us then. We suggested it must have waited for us on the trees to corner us in front of the ITE, but because I changed direction, it moved outwards to the road, which explains why the rustling trees.

It was creepy, but hey, it's a good Halloween scare. Although it spooked us out and made us so afraid, and not to mention paranoid, I'm quite sure we would laugh about it sometime soon. Haha.

Our word is "PARANOID".

Dictionary: Paranoid (adjective) Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others

Defining Definition: Paranoid (adjective) Combining the act of being overly aware and wary of the surroundings with the act of thinking of every possible bad outcomes that could arise, resulting to great fear of something that hasn't occured. Yet.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The One Where Faez Studies Nadia Studying

Thank God ladies are made to multi-task. Yesterday, I study and chill with Faez at the same time. It's a weird way to multi-task, but if you've got a friend who wants to chill, and you need to study, it'd leave you with barely no other options left. And the options will not include you ditching your friend, or your studies.

So that's what I did.

For the whole day, we sat - we actually sat! - and study. I study chem. And Faez study me. We talked quite alot of random topics. Gossip. Gossip. Talk. A bit of whining about chem now and then.

Laugh at our drawings - she laughs at her doodle drawings and me laugh at my oversized benzene ring.

Basically, that's about it. Faez was tired, and sleepy, and bored. I'm tired, and tired, and tired. Of Chem. Until my A's are done with, this is how we shall chill. =)

Our word for the day? "MULTI-TASK"

Dictionary: Multi-task (noun) The concurrent operation by one central processing unit of two or more processes.

Here's how I'd define multi-task.

Defining Definitions: Multi-task (noun) The act of handling many tasks at a time, usually putting the doer at risk of severe brain deficiency if it is being carried out excessively.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The One Where Faez Is Bored & Nad Is bored Mugging

Dictionary: Oxymoron (noun) a self-contradictory and false proposition.

Defining Definitions: Oxymoron (noun) A combination of opposing words that makes things sound better than they really are. Example: Act natural, found missing, only choice.

"Study break" is my current favourite. Yeah, as you all can guess, I'm having a study break right now. Today was, well, my "farewell" - except for the fact that I'd be going back to school now and then for compulsory lessons and consultations. And I'm sitting my A's in less than a month. I may sound calm and collected when you read this post. But the truth is, I'm freaking out. Oh, yeah, I am. As much as I want my A's to be over and done with, I'm terrified to face it. This would mean that me and Faez wouldn't be meeting much. And I think this bloggie would be inactive if I don't type something out here. So, I'm going to try - as much as I can - to update this bloggie. =) And when I'm finally done with my A's, and finally having a "life", this bloggie shall be filled with posts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The One When Faez Was Pissed At 4AM

I was asleep. I swear I was, even after the countless nightmares that I've been having lately. Then, I heard my phone beep or vibrate, or make that irritating sound. I didn't know what happened until I woke up for school at 6AM.

It was Faez. Hmm, unexpected, but not surprising. I guess I know her well enough that her surprises don't usually surprise me. (: She told me she was pissed. I checked the time. 4AM. Okie, wow. She must have stayed up again. She told me the reason over the phone. Someone just annoyed her. We'll call him H since this is not a private blog and I don't want anyone feeling hurt. Besides, I think typing his name out would be a complete waste of time. Oh yeah. I've "dated" him for a short time, so I know what he's like. Sheesh. It's too frustating to type it all here. But I try my best to keep it short and...well... not bitchy.

A little background information about him. Okies, more like a step-by-step process of your relationship with H, if  it ever happens. Though at first H seems pretty much innocent, you'd realise that if you hang out with him for a longer period of time, he's clingy, over-sensitive, and too emotional with even trivial matters. It makes you roll your eyes, and the worse part, it's that you can't help but to do so. You can't pity him. And you can't hate him. Well, at least not yet. Then, as your friendship proceeds, he becomes Mr Always Right. Either that, or Mr Never Wrong. The claims he makes, the facts he mention, the issues that he surfaced, are nothing worth more than any ordinary assumption. Yeah. That's him.  
He makes assumptions assuming that he's ALWAYS right.

That's what that got on Faez's  nerves. After chatting for a short period of time online, H jumps to conclusion by making wild accusations just because he thinks everyone is like him. Please. If the world is full of him, he'd be so sick of himself that he'd kill everyone else and shoot himself dead. But before that, he'd have to overcome his magnified ego.

He actually had the nerve to say Faez is having problems. Look, the only problem she's having is him. He claims to know that she is "having problems and its okay because he has them too" and that he is trying to "figure her out". Dude, if you think that life suck and that everyone else feels the same way too, I'd suggest you seek professional help. Depression can be cured (maybe not his). Faez will be there to help him if he ever goes into IMH, or maybe not...

But "Defining Definitions" has to end of by defining something, right? Well, the word for today is "ASSUMPTION".

Dictionary: Assumption (noun) presumption, arrogance.

Defining Definition: Assumption (noun) an over-generalisation of things to make them easier for understanding, or in other words to "figure them out".