Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The One When Faez Was Pissed At 4AM

I was asleep. I swear I was, even after the countless nightmares that I've been having lately. Then, I heard my phone beep or vibrate, or make that irritating sound. I didn't know what happened until I woke up for school at 6AM.

It was Faez. Hmm, unexpected, but not surprising. I guess I know her well enough that her surprises don't usually surprise me. (: She told me she was pissed. I checked the time. 4AM. Okie, wow. She must have stayed up again. She told me the reason over the phone. Someone just annoyed her. We'll call him H since this is not a private blog and I don't want anyone feeling hurt. Besides, I think typing his name out would be a complete waste of time. Oh yeah. I've "dated" him for a short time, so I know what he's like. Sheesh. It's too frustating to type it all here. But I try my best to keep it short and...well... not bitchy.

A little background information about him. Okies, more like a step-by-step process of your relationship with H, if  it ever happens. Though at first H seems pretty much innocent, you'd realise that if you hang out with him for a longer period of time, he's clingy, over-sensitive, and too emotional with even trivial matters. It makes you roll your eyes, and the worse part, it's that you can't help but to do so. You can't pity him. And you can't hate him. Well, at least not yet. Then, as your friendship proceeds, he becomes Mr Always Right. Either that, or Mr Never Wrong. The claims he makes, the facts he mention, the issues that he surfaced, are nothing worth more than any ordinary assumption. Yeah. That's him.  
He makes assumptions assuming that he's ALWAYS right.

That's what that got on Faez's  nerves. After chatting for a short period of time online, H jumps to conclusion by making wild accusations just because he thinks everyone is like him. Please. If the world is full of him, he'd be so sick of himself that he'd kill everyone else and shoot himself dead. But before that, he'd have to overcome his magnified ego.

He actually had the nerve to say Faez is having problems. Look, the only problem she's having is him. He claims to know that she is "having problems and its okay because he has them too" and that he is trying to "figure her out". Dude, if you think that life suck and that everyone else feels the same way too, I'd suggest you seek professional help. Depression can be cured (maybe not his). Faez will be there to help him if he ever goes into IMH, or maybe not...

But "Defining Definitions" has to end of by defining something, right? Well, the word for today is "ASSUMPTION".

Dictionary: Assumption (noun) presumption, arrogance.

Defining Definition: Assumption (noun) an over-generalisation of things to make them easier for understanding, or in other words to "figure them out".

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