Friday, September 25, 2009

Magician By Night, Illusion By Day

A kiss that holds a promise.
A love that knows no boundaries.
His confession, an admission
Of his sweet mix of emotions.

His charisma toys her mind
His charm flirts with her devotion.
But how can she resist the devil's lair?
Where the temptation lingers densely in the air,
Dragging her into despair.

He's a magician by night
For he teases, captivates and leaves her dazed.
She's already put her soul at stake
And she's drawn a cross on her heart
Where the arrow would penetrate.
He'd depart before daybreak
And only return a little too late.
He's an illusion by day...

A touch that shows his expression.
A smile offers a night of passion.
Her confession, a declaration
Of her love for her magician.

His voice drugged her insides,
Couldn't reel out before she fell in.
But how can she resist the hunter's trap?
Where lines will be crossed and circles overlap,
Rules threatened to be broken.


He'd have her in a trance
Chained her heart with his
And guard the key with spirits.
But the devil has fallen with his sins
And the hunters in love with his prey
And so has the magician by night (An illusion by day)