Saturday, September 26, 2009

The One Where Faez Didn't Sleep

Guess what?! We went to our "Elementary School".. Wanna act chim only. Haha! Anyways, speaking about the school, I couldn't believe that it looks so old. What I mean is, I know it's old but our school moved all the way to Bedok! I thought it was going to be a little more "good-looking", so to speak, than the previous one which was at Tampines. Damn! I can ramble on and on about the school being old but I don't think you people would want to read about it.
Just go look for yourself.. (:

Nadia and I met at around 1pm after she ended school. Bought a gift for a special someone... *pervertic smile* Nah, just kidding. It's for a teacher, Mdm Jalela. I know what you are thinking. Teacher's Day was so long ago. Haha! We bought this pencil holder which has a yellowish-orangey sun on it to clip your photo. Nadia wanted to buy the one with the lion but I thought she was trying to imply that the teacher was fierce. So I suggested the elephant. Come to think of it, if she were to choose the elephant then that will be like,
    "Whoah! You tryna say I'm fat!" LOL!!

As usual when you haven't seen that someone for a long time, you can spend hours just sitting and talking about stuff. And yes people, we did sit and spend hours talking about stuff... We talked and talked till Nad's stomach actually growled. Ooohhh.... Scaarryy....

After everything was all said and done, we went to Paris to grab some food. We didn't actually GRAB the food, we bought it in a very civilised manner of course. You know with the, "Hi auntie.." I don't think you all know who's the Auntie. Never mind, forget about her. So we sat down. Open styrofoam pack. Eat eat eat. And then went to the playground. This is the fun part!!

*metal chain breaks*
Nah.. too dramatic. Wait people!
I'm not giving you any hints to buy me an "ELEPHANT" pencil holder,ok?

We went over to the playground but there were two girls on the swing. Both of them were like what..? 15? Still wanna play the swing. Childish. Sheesh!
*Rolls eyes and give that irritated,"I'm gonna smack your face" look*

Oops! I almost forgot, I'm 18... Hahahaha.... *blushblush*
Oh.... I have to get some sleep! It's like what now? 3 in the morning? Haven't slept for let's see.. One. Two. Three. Including today, Four.
And this reminds me of what Dr. House said;
"Your brain starts shutting down slowly."
I don't feel it man..
I think I shall go to sleep now. My body's aching! And I have a long day tomorrow.. Cheers!

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