Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Child's Play

I know it's been ages since I updated the blog. In fact, it's been a long while since I USED the computer due to the red eye I have which made me eat and sleep all day. Amazing. It makes me sound barely human. Haha.

Anyway, Faez, her sister, my brother and I went to Simei to make new spectacles and get new school shoes. They're for my brother since school is about to start - and he had to break his specs.

We ended at the playground nearby after that.

We went to Punggol Park at night after we dropped Faez's sister home. My sister joined us.

Creepy night.

Here's a quote I specially made for Faez:

"When you see love as just a gamble - where you know you'd have to risk losing, face the chance of rejection, and know that it may leave you broken - it becomes less complicated. It becomes child's play."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The One When The Night Is Still Young

It's been ages since I typed out here. We've been chilling here and there. But now, since my A levels are done, we'd be chilling here and there a whole lot more. Yay!!! We've been to Toys 'R' Us.

That's us reliving our childhood moments.

When time flies too fast ahead and you've ben chasing time, you can't help but to look back and relive the bittersweet moments!

Spent some time with Mors at the interchange.

Also! There was shopping for Nad's prom dress! Walked around town. Wanted to drop by Marina Barrage but it was a little too far. So we decided to sit on the opposite side; the FLYER.

Got to love the background,huh?!

Today, we met up slightly after 4 pm. We walked around Simei after our dinner. Faez and I were both unwell but we managed to walk quite a distance while talking about stuff, and we did a pretty good job in scaring ourselves since we walked on roads that are quite quiet.

I'm going to end our post here for tonight... My eyes are RED, and I don't want to wake up tomorrow looking like the Terminator.

The word of today would be... "INFATUATION".

Dictionary: Infatuation (noun) Foolish or all-absorbing passion

Defining Definition: Infatuation (noun) A fine line between being in love and being out of love.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Torrential Fire

The sudden cold blue crash around us
Rendered me speechless with too much to say
I'd be willing to drown alone (alone)
As I watched you drift away

You promised forever...and forever has to end...

A flicker of hope chased away the darkness
Ignited by promises, mights and maybes
My trust offers me to the shadows
Flooded with the fear of what we will be
This is our inferno of cold uncertainty

Engulfed in flames are us and forever
Left me scorched and too weak to cry
I'd be willing to burn alone (alone)
As I watched you watch me die

The frozen hands of time...can only keep us alive...


Drowning in a sea of fiery desires...burnt in the waves of icy lies...  

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The One Where Faez Has A New Boyfriend & Nadia Dates Her Books

Yeah. We met quite late. I need to change my phone plan. My phone bills have burnt a hole in my pocket. So, yeah, I changed it to Student Plan. I met Faez at TM before going to lib to study. She was bored.

She started drawing. And made herself a boyfriend!

While I am busy dating my books. Haha.

It wasn't anything much, but we did snap a few pictures here and there. Some were funny and I especially like the one when Faez was sitting but she looked as if she was going to yakyak*.

Yakyak* a term we use to describe the act of defecating.

Word of the day??
There is no word of the Day. =)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween Special

A week to Halloween, and we got ourselves an awesome scare. It was late in the evening when Faez wanted to go to the playground near my old house. So we went but didn't play much. I told her that we are able to walk all the way to East Coast Park from Simei by walking through the park connectors all the way to Bedok Camp.

We snapped a few pictures - okies, maybe not "a few" but rather quite a number of pictures - along the way to the park connector near the Monsoon drain.

It was hilarious and we laughed alot. Until we reached the park connector beside the Newater plant.

I was starting to get the creeps and Faez wanted to take a few pictures in there, but I was reluctant to step into the park connector. Don't ask me why. It's a feeling, and I can get abit paranoid at times.

We went in, but not in too deep when we heard rustling in the trees to our left. Faez was nearer to the trees. Our heads just turned towards them and I saw this branch-looking thing break from the tree. I focused on that, but Faez looked up and saw something yellowish white, the size of a human moving away. She stared at that for quite a while until I had to urge her to run by grabbing her hands.

We crossed the road to the other side, feeling creeped out and amused at the same time. Creeped out because of what just happened. And amused because we can't believe it happened. There's this motorcycle rider and his girlfriend zoomed past, but the girlfriend gave a creepy scream when she passed us. Me and Faez, at the same time had only one thought racing in our minds. "WHAT did she see??" So we walked all the way to the opposite bus stop, as we decide not to continue our journey. The cyclist had to scare us, and I had the feeling that something was following us so we walked super-fast. In the end, we couldn't find the bus stop that 9 would pass. So we decided to walk back to East Point.

We experienced it again when we passed ITE Simei. There was this overhead bridge that lead to the front of the school. The pathway that we were walking at had to lead to the side of the bridge, and away from the light and the main road. It was the very last minute that my instinct told me to change direction and walked outside on the road itself. I pulled Faez and we both changed direction. At the same time, Faez and I heard the similar rustlings on trees above us. She then heard soft chatter while I heard something which sounds like the sounds made by a lizard, only softer, and creepier, followed by a soft wail. We walked all the way to East point. I hope it didn't follow us then. We suggested it must have waited for us on the trees to corner us in front of the ITE, but because I changed direction, it moved outwards to the road, which explains why the rustling trees.

It was creepy, but hey, it's a good Halloween scare. Although it spooked us out and made us so afraid, and not to mention paranoid, I'm quite sure we would laugh about it sometime soon. Haha.

Our word is "PARANOID".

Dictionary: Paranoid (adjective) Exhibiting or characterized by extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others

Defining Definition: Paranoid (adjective) Combining the act of being overly aware and wary of the surroundings with the act of thinking of every possible bad outcomes that could arise, resulting to great fear of something that hasn't occured. Yet.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The One Where Faez Studies Nadia Studying

Thank God ladies are made to multi-task. Yesterday, I study and chill with Faez at the same time. It's a weird way to multi-task, but if you've got a friend who wants to chill, and you need to study, it'd leave you with barely no other options left. And the options will not include you ditching your friend, or your studies.

So that's what I did.

For the whole day, we sat - we actually sat! - and study. I study chem. And Faez study me. We talked quite alot of random topics. Gossip. Gossip. Talk. A bit of whining about chem now and then.

Laugh at our drawings - she laughs at her doodle drawings and me laugh at my oversized benzene ring.

Basically, that's about it. Faez was tired, and sleepy, and bored. I'm tired, and tired, and tired. Of Chem. Until my A's are done with, this is how we shall chill. =)

Our word for the day? "MULTI-TASK"

Dictionary: Multi-task (noun) The concurrent operation by one central processing unit of two or more processes.

Here's how I'd define multi-task.

Defining Definitions: Multi-task (noun) The act of handling many tasks at a time, usually putting the doer at risk of severe brain deficiency if it is being carried out excessively.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The One Where Faez Is Bored & Nad Is bored Mugging

Dictionary: Oxymoron (noun) a self-contradictory and false proposition.

Defining Definitions: Oxymoron (noun) A combination of opposing words that makes things sound better than they really are. Example: Act natural, found missing, only choice.

"Study break" is my current favourite. Yeah, as you all can guess, I'm having a study break right now. Today was, well, my "farewell" - except for the fact that I'd be going back to school now and then for compulsory lessons and consultations. And I'm sitting my A's in less than a month. I may sound calm and collected when you read this post. But the truth is, I'm freaking out. Oh, yeah, I am. As much as I want my A's to be over and done with, I'm terrified to face it. This would mean that me and Faez wouldn't be meeting much. And I think this bloggie would be inactive if I don't type something out here. So, I'm going to try - as much as I can - to update this bloggie. =) And when I'm finally done with my A's, and finally having a "life", this bloggie shall be filled with posts!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The One When Faez Was Pissed At 4AM

I was asleep. I swear I was, even after the countless nightmares that I've been having lately. Then, I heard my phone beep or vibrate, or make that irritating sound. I didn't know what happened until I woke up for school at 6AM.

It was Faez. Hmm, unexpected, but not surprising. I guess I know her well enough that her surprises don't usually surprise me. (: She told me she was pissed. I checked the time. 4AM. Okie, wow. She must have stayed up again. She told me the reason over the phone. Someone just annoyed her. We'll call him H since this is not a private blog and I don't want anyone feeling hurt. Besides, I think typing his name out would be a complete waste of time. Oh yeah. I've "dated" him for a short time, so I know what he's like. Sheesh. It's too frustating to type it all here. But I try my best to keep it short and...well... not bitchy.

A little background information about him. Okies, more like a step-by-step process of your relationship with H, if  it ever happens. Though at first H seems pretty much innocent, you'd realise that if you hang out with him for a longer period of time, he's clingy, over-sensitive, and too emotional with even trivial matters. It makes you roll your eyes, and the worse part, it's that you can't help but to do so. You can't pity him. And you can't hate him. Well, at least not yet. Then, as your friendship proceeds, he becomes Mr Always Right. Either that, or Mr Never Wrong. The claims he makes, the facts he mention, the issues that he surfaced, are nothing worth more than any ordinary assumption. Yeah. That's him.  
He makes assumptions assuming that he's ALWAYS right.

That's what that got on Faez's  nerves. After chatting for a short period of time online, H jumps to conclusion by making wild accusations just because he thinks everyone is like him. Please. If the world is full of him, he'd be so sick of himself that he'd kill everyone else and shoot himself dead. But before that, he'd have to overcome his magnified ego.

He actually had the nerve to say Faez is having problems. Look, the only problem she's having is him. He claims to know that she is "having problems and its okay because he has them too" and that he is trying to "figure her out". Dude, if you think that life suck and that everyone else feels the same way too, I'd suggest you seek professional help. Depression can be cured (maybe not his). Faez will be there to help him if he ever goes into IMH, or maybe not...

But "Defining Definitions" has to end of by defining something, right? Well, the word for today is "ASSUMPTION".

Dictionary: Assumption (noun) presumption, arrogance.

Defining Definition: Assumption (noun) an over-generalisation of things to make them easier for understanding, or in other words to "figure them out".

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The One Where The Mask-Quitoes Attack

We went to the Singapore Eye Centre. For me, it's because of the inflammation in my eye that I've had since Primary 5. For Faez, she's hoping to find a cure to her ever-growing and darkening...EYE BAG! She can go for days without sleep, and still survive. If I do that, I might, at the end of it all, just fall asleep. And never wake up.

We had to put masks on. I swear, the thing can cover my face! Faez looks like some Arabian girl - with the brown contact lenses and the mask. What she's missing though is the black robe and the head scarf! JUST IMAGINE! Teehee.

Faez and I talked and brought up random topics. She even told me about her recent ghostly encounter. Freaky.

We went back to Paris* after that to have our Dunch* and met up with Ami before we walked all the way to Paris Park. I tell you, the mosquitoes there are wicked. I was in my Uniform - a simple blouse and a knee-length skirt - but I think that the mosquitoes managed to have bites at areas that are not that accessible! Ami had that problem too. Faez is lucky she wore skinnies.

Being "Defining Definitions", I have chosen the word "CONFIDENCE" as the word of today.

Dictionary: Confidence (noun) self-assurance arising from a belief one's own ability to achieve things

Defining Definitions: Confidence (noun) An act of being in denial to the fact that we're not that great.

*Paris is Pasir Ris for short
*Dunch is dinner and Lunch combined.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The One Where Faez Didn't Sleep

Guess what?! We went to our "Elementary School".. Wanna act chim only. Haha! Anyways, speaking about the school, I couldn't believe that it looks so old. What I mean is, I know it's old but our school moved all the way to Bedok! I thought it was going to be a little more "good-looking", so to speak, than the previous one which was at Tampines. Damn! I can ramble on and on about the school being old but I don't think you people would want to read about it.
Just go look for yourself.. (:

Nadia and I met at around 1pm after she ended school. Bought a gift for a special someone... *pervertic smile* Nah, just kidding. It's for a teacher, Mdm Jalela. I know what you are thinking. Teacher's Day was so long ago. Haha! We bought this pencil holder which has a yellowish-orangey sun on it to clip your photo. Nadia wanted to buy the one with the lion but I thought she was trying to imply that the teacher was fierce. So I suggested the elephant. Come to think of it, if she were to choose the elephant then that will be like,
    "Whoah! You tryna say I'm fat!" LOL!!

As usual when you haven't seen that someone for a long time, you can spend hours just sitting and talking about stuff. And yes people, we did sit and spend hours talking about stuff... We talked and talked till Nad's stomach actually growled. Ooohhh.... Scaarryy....

After everything was all said and done, we went to Paris to grab some food. We didn't actually GRAB the food, we bought it in a very civilised manner of course. You know with the, "Hi auntie.." I don't think you all know who's the Auntie. Never mind, forget about her. So we sat down. Open styrofoam pack. Eat eat eat. And then went to the playground. This is the fun part!!

*metal chain breaks*
Nah.. too dramatic. Wait people!
I'm not giving you any hints to buy me an "ELEPHANT" pencil holder,ok?

We went over to the playground but there were two girls on the swing. Both of them were like what..? 15? Still wanna play the swing. Childish. Sheesh!
*Rolls eyes and give that irritated,"I'm gonna smack your face" look*

Oops! I almost forgot, I'm 18... Hahahaha.... *blushblush*
Oh.... I have to get some sleep! It's like what now? 3 in the morning? Haven't slept for let's see.. One. Two. Three. Including today, Four.
And this reminds me of what Dr. House said;
"Your brain starts shutting down slowly."
I don't feel it man..
I think I shall go to sleep now. My body's aching! And I have a long day tomorrow.. Cheers!

Friday, September 25, 2009


My trust is built on your words
To tie down my fears and bury my secrets
And when the clouds start to hide the stars,
I'd search for your hand in the dark.

I could let go and not be afraid.
I'll be that girl on the swing again
And you'd be her best friend.

When the current shifts direction,
She would have me anchored.
When mirrors sigh to imperfections,
She'd have my doubts reassured.
She'd be that rose that blooms in winter
And that remedy for wounded hearts.
She'd be the music when you hear the thunder
Holding me from falling apart...

We'd jump together into thrills
Not giving the world a damn, not casting a glance.
And when the world starts inflicting you pain,
You could lean in against me.

Chase away your fears and don't hold back.
You could be that girl on the swing again
And I'd be her best friend.


Even as two worlds collide
And nothing can pull us apart,
Time can forge a sea between us.
But when the moon's silver turn grey
Or the stars die out,
I'd still have you leading my way.

We could always be the girls on the swings
And still remain best friends.

Pandora's Box

Watch me rip my heart into two,
As my inner demons dance (Dance to hell's cries)
And it could only be me against you.
Your presence would only scrape me
Burning my heart from within.

Mistakes and sins would flow through my veins
As I'd drench myself with tears and pain
I am tired of running through the rain.

I'd hear you summoning my sleeping soul
Your whispers inject venom to my dreams
My frozen lips cannot reply your calls.
And my eyelids are too heavy to lift
If I ever wake, I could just be twisting the key in the lock.

Watch me rend my mind apart
As my inner demons sing (Sing to hell's curses)
A dying love with a decayed heart.
Your presence would only trace
My chest with the blade,
Killing me inside.

Mistakes and sins would flow through my veins
As I'd drench myself with tears and pain
I am tired of running through the rain.


This key to Pandora's Box...

Critical Edge

"Your Dad has never cared for me or you.."
"You'd never understand the pain I've been through.."
"If I have a chance, I would leave you.."

I cannot shut my eyes from your agonies
Or watch you lay like a used, broken doll.
You'd whisper your pain to the breeze
And I would wrestle with my thoughts.

The armour you used cannot stand the hit,
You have to battle without your shield.
And the mask you wore can no longer conceal
Your emotional scars that just won't heal.

I never intend to hold you
From those big dreams that could have been,
But helplessness drags me through
Like waves drawing sand under my feet.

Apologies can't undo what we've been through
And words are like blades you can't retract.
I'd be biting th bullet that you aimed for my heart,
From that shot which could tear me apart.

Your words scorched my insides bad
And echoes of torrent insults drowned me dead.
"I wish I have never known your Dad, so I wouldn't have to bring you in this world"

You smiled a little too wide
When you tried to hide your fears.
But your betraying eyes were filled with doubt
When you blinked away those tears.

I don't want to be the thorn that prick her own rose...

"Your Dad has never cared for me or you.."
But as long as you still do...
"You'd never understand the pain I've been through.."
But I've always tried to...
"If I have a chance,  I would leave you.."
Please stay, I need you...

What would a candle be without a flame? (A darkened soul...)
What would life be without it's warmth? (A night so cold...)
What would I be without you? (No hand to hold...)

My Timeless Existence

Driving through memory lane
Where my chasing fears lashed across.
Reminding me of my throbbing pain
Where my tormenting childhood
Smothered my strength into ashe.
Caught and tangled in nightmare's webs,
I'd relive a troubled past.

He shouldn't see me die (It was't right)
I'd bite my lips and silent my cries
With ebbing numbness
And pain blinding my eyes,
It will end mercilessly (As promised)
And when my chest burned dry,
He'd hum me his lullaby
And kiss me goodnight...

Actuality seeps through my soul
like acid eating its ways.
A devastating truth being foretold,
Slapping reality across my face
Leaving my hopes cold.
Forced to play nightmare's sick games,
I'm chained by reality.


Grappling with uncertainties,
I can't see the shadows that surround.
The future - a sea of possibilities.
With every change of the tide
Comes another twist in the plot
Struggled to break from nightmares hold.
But I'll be lost in a bleak future...

Magician By Night, Illusion By Day

A kiss that holds a promise.
A love that knows no boundaries.
His confession, an admission
Of his sweet mix of emotions.

His charisma toys her mind
His charm flirts with her devotion.
But how can she resist the devil's lair?
Where the temptation lingers densely in the air,
Dragging her into despair.

He's a magician by night
For he teases, captivates and leaves her dazed.
She's already put her soul at stake
And she's drawn a cross on her heart
Where the arrow would penetrate.
He'd depart before daybreak
And only return a little too late.
He's an illusion by day...

A touch that shows his expression.
A smile offers a night of passion.
Her confession, a declaration
Of her love for her magician.

His voice drugged her insides,
Couldn't reel out before she fell in.
But how can she resist the hunter's trap?
Where lines will be crossed and circles overlap,
Rules threatened to be broken.


He'd have her in a trance
Chained her heart with his
And guard the key with spirits.
But the devil has fallen with his sins
And the hunters in love with his prey
And so has the magician by night (An illusion by day)

The Twisted Truth

Utter the words that you don't mean
Pain knifing you till you're bleeding
Resurrecting a dead relationship.
And you can't fill empty promises,
Fix shattered hearts with bitter lies
You're tangled in your twisted truth.

Fight the enemy that can't be seen
Resolve the conflict within
Hurt stained your word red but
Explaining dosn't change a thing.

I hope you feel how the walls close in
Memorize the anguish that I was facing.
You'd know how it's like with your dignity in dust
And how it feels when I breached your trust

I could watch as you lay breathless
While you play tag with the ghost of your guilt...

Assume what you can't understand
And you're no longer in command
'Coz misery got the better of you.
And no, you can't mend my broken trust
'Coz two wrongs don't make right
You're lost in a maze of mistakes.

Reviving what used to be of us
But your time is running up.
Heartache traced your voice
But excuses gets you nowhere...


Like eternity losing its years,
Like the fire losing its sparks (What you've had till it's lost)
Like the night losing its stars,
Like the kiss losing its touch (What you've had till it's lost)

You lost me...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We are Defining Definitions...
There's only two of us; Faez and Nadia. Isn't it sad? I know... (: